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Candlelight Regencies

The following is a numerical, chronological listing --with some gaps-- of the Candlelight Regency series published by Dell in the 1970s and 1980s. Please note that some gaps -- particularly 1-96 and 264-500 -- are the result of the same numerical sequence being used for other Candlelight series such as medical and other contemporary romances. The majority listed here are Regencies, but those I have identified as Georgian, Victorian, or Edwardian are indicated.

For plot and character information on these books, go to the Author Listings.


#97  Betty Hale Hyatt, Heiress of Wainscote
#98 Janet Louise Roberts, A Marriage of Inconvenience


#105 Janet Louise Roberts, My Lady Mischief (reissued as #240, 1978)
#106 Betty Hale Hyatt, Friary's Dor
#111 Janet Louise Roberts, The Dancing Doll (reissued as #239, 1978)
#117 Janet Louise Roberts, The Golden Thistle (reissued as #246, 1978)
#118 Betty Hale Hyatt, The Scarlet Hills
#125 Janet Louise Roberts, La Casa Dorada (reissued as #245, 1978)


#128 Janette Radcliffe, The Blue-Eyed Gypsy
#132 Janet Louise Roberts, The Cardross Luck
#144 Elisabeth Barr, The Opal Pendant
#153 Janet Louise Roberts, The First Waltz (reissued as  #247, 1978)


#174 Janette Radcliffe, Moonlight Gondola
#185 Janette Radcliffe, The Gentleman Pirate
#186 Betty Hale Hyatt, The Golden Falcon


#188 Elisabeth  Barr, Master of Roxton
#190 Janette Radcliffe, White Jasmine
#193 Jacquelyn Aeby, Falconer's Hall
#196 Betty Hale Hyatt, Portrait of Errin
#198 Janette Radcliffe, Lord Stephen's Lady
#204 Janette Radcliffe, The Azure Castle
#206 Janette Radcliffe, The Topaz Charm
#208 Betty Hale Hyatt, The Brigand's Bride
#210 Betty Hale Hyatt, The Gallant Spy


#212 Janette Radcliffe, Scarlet Secrets
#213 Elisabeth Barr, Revelry Manor
#214 Betty Hale Hyatt, Pandora's Box
#216 Janette Radcliffe, A Gift of Violets
#221 Dorothy Mack, The Raven Sisters
#225 Dorothy Mack, The Substitute Bride


#227 Laura London, A Heart Too Proud
#229 Betty Hale Hyatt, Love's Untold Secret
#232 Lucy Phillips Stewart, The Captive Bride
#233 Libby Mansfield, Unexpected Holiday
#239 Janet Louise Roberts, The Dancing Doll (reissue - orig. #111, 1973)
#240 Janet Louise Roberts, My Lady Mischief (reissue - orig. #105, 1973)
#245 Janet Louise Roberts, La Casa Dorada (reissue - orig. #125, 1973)
#246 Janet Louise Roberts, The Golden Thistle (reissue - orig. #117, 1973)
#247 Janet Louise Roberts, The First Waltz (reissue - orig. #153, 1974)
#250 Samantha Lester, The Lady Rothschild
#251 Lucy Phillips Stewart, Bride of Chance
#253 Dorothy Mack, The Impossible Ward
#255 Laura London, The Bad Baron's Daughter


#257 Betty Hale Hyatt, The Chevalier's Lady
#263 Laura London, Moonlight Mist
#501 Nina Pykare, The Scandalous Season
#505 Anne Hillary, The Bartered Bride
#509 Nina Pykare, Love's Promise
#512 Lucy Phillips Stewart, Bride of Torquay
#515 Cilla Whitmore, Manner of a Lady
#521 Samantha Lester, Love's Captive
#527 Jennie Tremaine, Kitty (Edwardian)
#528 Donna Creekmore, Coachman's Daughter
#530 Lucy Phillips Stewart, Bride of a Stranger
#537 Cilla Whitmore, His Lordship's Landlady
#542 Jennie Tremaine, Daisy (Edwardian)


#543 Phyllis Taylor Pianka, The Sleeping Heiress
#548 Nina Pykare, Love in Disguise
#549 Lillian Cheatham, The Runaway Heiress
#554 Nina Pykare, A Man of Her Choosing
#555 Mary Linn Roby, Passing Fancy
#562 Jennie Tremaine, Lucy (Edwardian)
#563 Megan O'Connor, Pippa
#564 Joyce Lee, The Best Laid Schemes
#565 Laura London, Love's a Stage
#570 Joan Vincent, Thomasina
#571 Margaret Summerville, Sensible Cecily
#572 Marnie Ellingson, Double Folly
#573 Jennie Tremaine, Polly (Edwardian)
#578 Anne Hillary, The Mismatched Lovers
#579 Marnie Ellingson, Unwilling Bride
#580 Margaret Summerville, Infamous Isabelle
#581 Nina Pykare, The Dazzled Heart
#586 Joan Vincent, The Education of Joanne (Georgian)
#587 Jennie Tremaine, Molly (Edwardian)
#588 Marnie Ellingson, Jessica Windom
#589 Marian Lorraine, The Ardent Suitor
#593 Regina Towers, The Rake's Companion
#594 Nina Pykare, Lady Incognita
#595 Joan Vincent, A Bond of Honour
#596 Jennie Tremaine, Ginny (Edwardian)
#597 Margaret MacWilliams, The Marriage Agreement
#602 Dorothy Mack, A Companion in Joy
#603 Margaret M. Cleaves, Midnight Surrender
#604 Joan Vincent, A Scheme for Love
#605 Helen Nuelle, The Danger in Loving
#610 Nina Pykare, Love's Folly
#611 Vivian Harris, A Worthy Charade
#612 Samantha Lester, The Duke's Ward
#613 Cilla Whitmore, Mansion for a Lady
#618 Elinor Larkin, The Twice Bought Bride
#619 Sarah Stamford, The Magnificent Duchess
#620 Margaret MacWilliams, Saratoga Season (Edwardian)
#621 Rebecca Ashley, An Intriguing Innocent
#625 Janis Susan May, The Avenging Maid
#626 Diana Burke, The Heart of the Matter (Victorian)
#627 Phyllis Taylor Pianka, The Paisley Butterfly
#631 Amanda Mack, Makeshift Mistress
#632 Joan Vincent, Rescued by Love(Georgian)


#633 Ruth Gerber,  A Marriageable Asset
#634 Joan Vincent, Rescued by Love (Georgian)
#637 Samantha Lester, The Brash American
#638 Rebecca Ashley, A Season of Surprises
#639 Marian Lorraine, The Enterprising Minx
#643 Alexandra Lord, A Harmless Ruse
#644 Laura London, The Gypsy Heiress
#645 Nina Pykare, The Innocent Heart
#649 Anne Stuart, Lord Satan's Bride
#650 Joan Vincent, The Curious Rogue (Georgian)
#651 Philippa Castle, The Reluctant Duke
#655 Elinor Larkin, Love's Tempest
#656 Noel Vreeland Carter, Miss Hungerford's Handsome Hero
#657 Veronica Howard, Rebel in Love
#660 Jennie Tremaine, Tilly (Edwardian)
#661 Anne Hillary, Compromised Love
#665 Kay Hooper, Lady Thief
#667 Pauline Pryor, The Faint-Hearted Felon
#666 Dorothy Mack, The Belle of Bath
#671 Joyce Lee, Oh, What a Tangled Web
#672 Edith De Paul, The Viscount's Witch
#673 Rebecca Ashley, A Willful Widow
#675 Nina Pykare, Love Plays a Part
#676 Constance Ravenlock, Rendezvous at Gramercy
#680 Laureen Kwock, Miss Claringdon's Condition
#681 Diana Burke, The Impoverished Heiress
#682 Phoebe Matthews, The Unsuitable Lovers
#685 Jennie Tremaine, Susie (Edwardian)
#686 Dee Stuart, The Innocent Adulteress
#690 Colleen Moore, Bold Venture
#691 Rebecca Bennett, A Merry Chase
#692 Marlaine Kyle, A Suitable Marriage


#695 Rebecca Ashley, The Arrogant Aristocrat
#696 Phyllis Taylor Pianka, Heather Wild
#700 Joyce Lee, A Joy Forever
#701 Anne Hillary, Diamonds and the Arrogant Rake
#702 Marnie Ellingson, The Mistress of Langfort Court
#704 Jennie Tremaine, Poppy (Edwardian)
#705 Marlaine Kyle, A Game of Hearts
#706 Donna Creekmore, The Difficult Miss Livingston
#707 Rebecca Ashley, Intrepid Encounter
#708 Joan Vincent, The Audacious Miss
#709 Jennie Tremaine, Sally (Edwardian)
#711 Anne Stuart, The Spinster and the Rake
#712 Deborah Chester, A Royal Intrigue
#713 Michelle Venet, The Reluctant Lady
#714 Margaret Summerville, Lord Wicked Wolf
#716 Nina Pykare, A Matter of Honor

Number unknown:
Betty Hale Hyatt, Chantilly (1973)
Betty Hale Hyatt, Castle of Kudara (1974)
Sandra Mireles, Lady Nell (1981)
Betty L. Henrichs, A Convenient Bride ( 1982)
Joyce Lee, Perchance to Dream (1982)
Prudence Martin, Counterfeit Courtship (1982)
Dena Rhee, An Immodest Proposal (1982)
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