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Regencies by Subject - Guardians

Guardian / Ward
Disapproving Guardians
Evil Guardians


Guardian / Ward

Jane Ashford, The Headstrong Ward.
Family with three bachelors is responsible for a beauty's come-out.

Anne Ashley, The Neglectful Guardian.
A lady who feels snubbed by her guardian flees Bath and gets caught in a snowstorm, with her guardian hot on her trail.

Mary Balogh, The Red Rose.
Guardian finds the perfect man for his ward yet is strangely displeased.

Donna Bell, Heiress to Love.
A lady ignores her guardian's summons to London for a Season in order to stay home and train her race horse.

Sara Blayne, An Elusive Guardian.
Lady who was rescued from pirates by a mysterious man who wed then abandoned her later discovers he's her guardian, but he seems not to recognize her and tries to marry her off.

Susan Carroll, Christmas Belles.
Guardian of four ladies proposes to the eldest, who loves another man, and finds himself developing feelings for her younger sister.

Marion Chesney, Milady in Love.
Viscount falls for his French ward.

Marion Chesney, Sweet Masquerade.
An earl who is appointed guardian of an 18-year-old named Freddie Armstrong is surprised to discover Freddie is a female.

Jan Constant, The Beringer Heiress.
Lady returns from the Peninsula after her father's death to find herself an heiress and the ward of a rake.

Christina Cordaire, Love's Triumph.
Lady and her siblings become the wards of a handsome war hero who wants to arrange a marriage for her.

Catherine Coulter, The Generous Earl.
English duke inherits a Scottish earldom and becomes the guardian of a lady determined to prove to him she's a woman.

Diana Delmore, Cassandra.
An earl becomes guardian to a lady who grew up with the army on the Continent and prefers adventures to high society.

Roberta Eckert, A Scandalous Journey.
Earl and his ward, stranded en route from her school, must wed.

Mona Gedney, Merry's Christmas.
Determined bachelor becomes the guardian of a group of children whose older sister resents his meddling.

Jacquelyn Gillis, A Perfect Mismatch.
Gentleman is disappointed to discover that his inheritance includes 7 young wards til one steals his heart.

Jacquelyn Gillis, Otherwise Engaged.
Gentleman inherits a Scottish estate and a fresh-faced schoolgirl.

Vanessa Gray, The Wicked Guardian.
Headstrong beauty would rather risk scandal or a dull marriage than submit to the will of her hated guardian.

Georgette Heyer, Regency Buck.
Lady discovers she is the ward of the rake who accosted her at an inn.

Michelle Kasey, A Difficult Disguise.
Lord searches for a runaway ward as she disguises herself as his groom.

Lynn Kerstan, A Spirited Affair.
Country lady visits her guardian in London to ask why her allowance has been stopped and he insists on giving her a Season.

Elisabeth Kidd, My Lord Guardian.
Lady who decides to become an actress rather than marry anyone but her guardian gives a performance that's the talk of the ton.

Valerie King, A Rogue's Deception.
An earl pretends to be his half brother in order to deliver a set-down to a lady who has been pestering him for shirking his duties as guardian, but his plan backfires when he falls in love with her.

Stephanie Laurens, Four in Hand.
Notorious rake is made guardian of four young ladies and falls in love with the eldest.

Elizabeth Law, Regency Morning.
Lady intends for her sister to marry their guardian until she falls for him herself.

Dorothy Mack, The Steadfast Heart.
Lady's guardian demands she behave with propriety, then demands she wed him when her disobedience leads to scandal.

Elizabeth Mansfield, Love Lessons.
Hoyden falls in love with her guardian, who seems to prefer a prim and proper lady.

Melinda McRae, The Defiant Miss Foster.
A gentleman becomes the unwilling guardian of a family of orphans including a young lady who teaches him a lesson in love.

Carol Michaels, Charade of Hearts.
When her guardian refuses her sister a Season, a lady decides to pay for it out of her own legacy.

Judith Nelson, Patience Is a Virtue.
Lord announces he intends to marry his high-spirited ward.

Phyllis Taylor Pianka, The Sleeping Heiress.
On her father's death, a lady who'd been shut away at a boarding school finds herself being escorted for a Season by her handsome young guardian.

Dawn Aldridge Poore, Bath Bramble.
Lady seeks help in controlling her brother from the childhood friend who is now their guardian, while he in turn finds he must marry to gain his inheritance.

Martha Jean Powers, Gazebo Rendezvous.
A lady disguises herself as a boy in order to be accepted by her new guardian.

Martha Jean Powers, The Perfect Fiancee.
Lord conducts a logical search for the perfect wife while trying to find a husband for his troublesome ward.

Carol Proctor, An Unlikely Guardian.
A notorious rake is made guardian of an innocent miss.

Nina Pykare, A Man of Her Choosing.
An eccentric lady thinks her guardian will have trouble finding her a husband, but he may have romantic plans of his own for her.

Debbie Raleigh, A Bride for Lord Brasleigh.
A lord chases his high-spirited ward when she runs away to avoid marrying the man he chose for her.

Evelyn Richardson, The Nabob's Ward.
Rakish earl falls for his bookish ward.

Evelyn Richardson, The Gallant Guardian.
Confirmed bachelor becomes the guardian of an independent young lady and her brother.

Rebecca Robbins, Guardian for an Angel.
Lady jockey's guardian loses her estate to a libertine.

Irene Saunders, The Impetuous Twin.
Lord finds himself the guardian of a reckless lady whose exploits include dressing as a boy to follow her twin brother to war.

Jeanne Savery, Love for Lydia.
Lady pretends to be her half-siblings' governess when their handsome new guardian arrives.

Amanda Scott, Bath Charade.
Lady who loves novels despairs when her elegant guardian thwarts her romantic schemes.

Joan Smith, Babe.
Beautiful lady with dozens of suitors only has eyes for her strict guardian.

Sylvia Thorpe, The Scapegrace.
Lord bets he can make a penniless American lady a social success.

Patricia Veryan, Give All to Love.
Man falls for the girl he's raised from childhood and is challenged by an evil man.

Margaret Westhaven, City Heiress.
Cit's daughter who hopes to experience the social whirl before her lineage becomes known doesn't realize that her guardian has his own reasons for keeping her on his sister's estate.

Claudette Williams, Courting Christina.
Earl is shackled with a hoydenish charge to marry off.

Claudette Williams, Lady Madcap.
A young lady flees with her childhood friend to escape her guardian only to be rescued from a highwayman by the very man she is fleeing.

Gayle Wilson, Anne's Perfect Husband.
A major is made guardian to a lady whose father was responsible for ending his career and nearly his life.

Joan Wolf, The Rebellious Ward.
Lady of scandalous birth wins many suitors' hearts but hers is given to her guardian.

Disapproving Guardians

Lucia Curzon, The Dashing Guardian.
Lady who loves her childhood friend tries to convince his older brother of her feelings but ends up in love with him instead.

Anne Devon, Defiant Mistress.
Penniless lady in Belgium on the eve of Waterloo must become an actress to survive, drawing the scorn of her suitor's older brother.

Georgina Devon, Betrayals.
Marquis will do anything to stop his younger brother from marrying a widowed actress whose husband is rumored to be still alive.

Roberta Eckert, My Lady Adventuress.
Lady who accepts a man but then has second thoughts is drawn to his brother who thinks she's an adventuress.

Rachelle Edwards, The Duke's Dilemma.
Duke objects to his nephew's fiancee.

Zabrina Faire, Enchanting Jenny.
The only people who are against a lady's marriage to a comte are the lady herself and the comte's half-brother who views her with contempt.

Mona Gedney, A Christmas Betrothal.
Gentleman tries to expose his nephew's beloved as a fortune hunter but finds himself smitten.

Elena Greene, Lord Langdon's Kiss.
Lord tries to tempt the vicar's daughter, whom he thinks is a fortune hunter, away from his brother by kissing her.

Maria Greene, Lady in Disguise.
Lady shunned by the gentry finds companionship with a younger man whose uncle accuses her of seduction.

Julia Jeffries, The Clergyman's Daughter.
Parson's daughter elopes with a dashing aristocrat, enraging his older brother; but when her husband dies the brother still wants to control her.

April Kihlstrom, The Charming Impostor.
A lord is dismayed when a headstrong lady is charged with keeping his flighty sister in line.

Valerie King, Love Match.
Lord tries to stop a matchmaking miss from inveigling his younger brother into an unsuitable alliance.

Valerie King, A Lady's Gambit.
Lord thinks a lady is trying to match her flighty sister with his innocent ward.

Allison Lane, Lord Avery's Legacy.
Lord who thinks all women are schemers accuses the sister of his ward's beloved of being a fortune hunter.

Jane Lynson, The Duke's Downfall.
Duke mistakes a lady's behavior, intended to ward off an unwanted suitor, as a play for his brother--who in turn thinks she's the perfect match for the duke.

Patricia Oliver, Double Deception.
Earl tries bribery, seduction and deceit to stop his son from marrying an older widow, then realizes he loves her himself.

Irene Saunders, The Lucky Lady.
Lord intends to rescue his brother from the clutches of a mysterious lady who has opened a successful gaming house in London.

Joan Smith, True Lady.
Lady who gives Latin lessons to young gentlemen is accused of being a lightskirt by a lord who thinks she's leading his nephew astray.

Joan Smith, The Waltzing Widow.
Lady flees fortune hunters by disguising herself as an impoverished widow only to be mistaken for a fortune hunter herself by the uncle of a boy who develops a crush on her.

Marlene Suson, The Duke's Revenge.
Duke whose first wife was unfaithful accuses a lady upon whom his son has a crush of being a scheming jade.

Helen Tucker, A Mistress to the Regent.
When her noble Italian fiance's Uncle Aldo stops their marriage, a lady's guardians decide she should become Prinny's mistress.

Phyllis Ann Warady, The Earl's Comeuppance.
Earl intent on saving his heir from the snares of a fortune hunter locks horns with the young lady's mama.

Claudette Williams, Lady Sunshine.
Lord suspects a lady of leading on his nephew.

Evil Guardians

Toni Marsh Bruyere, Man about Town.
Lady escaping from her uncle's house is set upon by footpads and asks help from a lord on his way to town to cut a dash.

Gayle Buck, Lady Althea's Bargain.
Lady who wants a happy marriage defies her husband by following him to Brussels.

Elizabeth Chater, The Duke's Dilemma.
After several unsuccessful attempts on her brother's life by their greedy guardian, a lady attempts to remove herself and her younger siblings to safety and, en route, finds protection from a notorious and dissolute duke.

Marion Chesney, Regency Gold.
When a lady living in servitude with a drunken uncle receives news of an unexpected inheritance, it seems someone wants her dead and she feels safe only with the lord of her dreams.

Lynn Collum, Lady Miranda's Masquerade.
Lady fleeing an arranged marriage takes an assumed name and ends up at the home of an earl who thinks she's the harlot who fleeced his friend.

Lynn Collum, Miss Whiting and the Seven Wards.
A lady is rescued from her violent stepmother by seven young boys who spirit her off to their quaint cottage, where she is embraced by a loving family and swept off her feet by her own Prince Charming.

Wilma Counts, My Lady Governess.
Lady fleeing an arranged marriage to an unsavory man disguises herself as a governess in the home of an eligible lord.

Donna Davidson, Lord Kingsford's Quest.
Girl sends away a whipping boy to save his life; he returns as a man to claim the estate from her cruel uncle.

Jacqueline Diamond, Song for a Lady.
Cinderella tale of lady who is forced to wait on her stepsisters because her mother abandoned her father.

Charlotte Louise Dolan, The Unofficial Suitor.
Lady's brother tries to sell her in marriage to the highest bidder.

Carola Dunn, The Improper Governess.
Lord asks a lady disguised as an actress to be first his mistress, then a governess, then his wife.

Gail Eastwood, A Perilous Journey.
Lady fleeing an unwanted marriage is helped by mysterious stranger.

Rachelle Edwards, Runaway Bride.
A lady fleeing an arranged marriage and a violent stepfather is relieved to be rescued by a colonel until she learns he has ties to her stepfather.

Suzanne Enoch, The Black Duke's Prize.
Lady confronts the Black Duke who intends to buy her family estate and finds him to be a White Knight.

Jean Ewing, Folly's Reward.
Scottish governess finds a man with amnesia on the beach and accepts his help in escaping with her charge from a wicked guardian.

Elisabeth Fairchild, Sugarplum Surprises.
A lady disguised as a seamstress to escape her stepmother's schemes encounters a duke with a secret of his own.

Diane Farr, Fair Game.
Courtesan offers her gently reared daughter to a gentleman as payment of a debt.

Ellen Fitzgerald, A Streak of Luck.
Lady is thrilled when a lord asks for her hand but soon learns he was forced to after losing a card game to her father.

Katharine Flixton, Daughter to the Nabob.
Nabob seeks to settle an old score by luring a gambler who has lost his family home into marriage with his daughter.

Maria Greene, An Inconvenient Marriage.
Earl is forced to propose to a lady who stows away in his carriage.

Georgina Grey, Fashion's Frown.
Country belle learns that her companion is an aristocrat on the run from an arranged marriage.

Leigh Haskell, The Paragon Bride.
Lady leaves her miserly guardian to be a guest in the home of a countess whose son wants to marry her, but she's tempted by a rake.

Emily Hendrickson, Miss Haycroft's Suitors.
Lady whose uncle wants to marry her off is helped by a lord who invents suitors for her.

Brenda Hiatt, Azalea.
American lady who believed her husband lost at sea discovers he is now an earl with no memory of their marriage.

Jane Aiken Hodge, Runaway Bride.
Upon being told she is to wed a stranger, a lady flees home and unknowingly ends up as a companion to the grandmother of the man she was to marry.

Cindy Holbrook, A Suitable Connection.
A notorious womanizer rescues a lady from her stepfather's sinister schemes.

April Kihlstrom, The Wary Spinster.
Daughter of a brutal man is determined to protect her niece from a dangerous suitor and is helped by gentleman with a dangerous reputation of his own.

Mary Kingsley, A Gentleman's Desire.
A lord feels honor-bound to marry a lady he finds in his bed though he suspects her of trickery.

Kathryn Kirkwood, A Match for Melissa.
Wicked stepmother forces a lady to pose as a servant during her daughters' Season.

Allison Lane, A Bird in Hand.
Lord compromises the lady he is supposed to court by saving her from drowning, but when he arrives at her home he finds his injured friend has been mistaken for him and decides not to correct the mistake so he can discover more about the lady.

Allison Lane, �€œFor Richer or Poorer�€� in Wedding Belles.
A gentleman of modest means decides to marry a lady content with a simple life but falls in love with a rich lady fleeing an abusive guardian.

Allison Lane, Kindred Spirits.
A gentleman who was disgraced at Waterloo helps a lady whose uncle commits her to an asylum to gain her inheritance.

Allison Lane, The Unscrupulous Uncle.
Lord marries his friend's sister to save her fortune then worries more about the lady he had to jilt.

Elsie Lee, The Wicked Guardian.
Heiress whose wicked guardian is forcing her to marry his son jumps out of a moving carriage and wakes with amnesia in a gypsy camp with a mysterious stranger.

Dawn Lindsey, The Great Lady Tony.
Lady helps a runaway who is pursued by her irate father.

Paula Marshall, The Wolfe's Mate.
Lady cheated out of her inheritance becomes a lady's companion and is kidnapped by a gentleman who mistakes her for her employer.

Lois Menzel, In the Shadow of Arabella.
Lady marries an earl to free herself and her sister from their stepfather, but the shadow of her new husband's late wife hangs over their marriage.

Barbara Metzger, Saved by Scandal.
Lord left at the altar tries to divert the ton's attention from his humiliation by marrying a singer -- who is really a baron's daughter on the run from an evil uncle.

Martha Powers, The Runaway Heart.
A lady fleeing a guardian who is trying to steal her inheritance discovers an injured lord and nurses him back to health.

Janette Radcliffe, The Blue-Eyed Gypsy.
Lady who fled her cruel stepfather as a child and lived with the gypsies is found by him and auctioned in marriage to a lord.

Irene Saunders, The Reluctant Bride.
A lady seeks deliverance from the tyranny of her loathsome stepfather by marrying a lord, but finds oppression of a different kind.

Jeanne Savery, Cupid's Challenge.
Lady raised by an abusive aunt hides her beauty until she falls at a gentleman's feet.

Jeanne Savery, Lady Serena's Surrender.
Lady is forced by her abusive father to marry a man who must slowly win her trust.

Penelope Stratton, The Devil's Bride.
Lady imprisoned by her guardian is rescued by a lord whose cousin tries to kill her.

Patricia Veryan, Nanette.
Lady disguises herself as an idiot to escape her evil stepfather and investigate her brother's death, but finds the only witness dead and his son investigating his murder.

Sheila Walsh, The Golden Songbird.
Lady's stepfather loses her to a marquis as part of wager.
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